Cahill and Arteta burst forward
Mikel Arteta
Mikel Arteta lines up a free kick against Fulham
Mikel ArtetaArteta tries to get away from Frank Lampard
Joseph Yobo and Mikel ArtetaYobo and Arteta ensure Wigans Jason Roberts doesn t progress
Mikel Arteta bends a free kick around the wall
Mikel Arteta attmepts a free kick
Mikel ArtetaArteta shows compatriot Jose Reyes a clean set of heels
Mikel Arteta battles Matthew Etherington
Mikel ArtetaArteta contests the midfield with Boateng
Mikel ArtetaMidfielder Arteta in a a race for the ball with John O Shea
Mikel ArtetaArteta hooks the ball forward